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Pet Hair Dissolver Puff

Puff  Pet Hair Dissolver, 400 GR.


Puff Pet Hair Dissolver is only pet hair remover for use in the washing machine :

Product Description

Puff  Pet Hair Dissolver, 400 GR.


Puff Pet Hair Dissolver is only Pet Hair Remover for use in the washing machine :

  • Dissolves hair with active oxygen.
  • Leaves washing machines clean and free from hair.
  • Eliminates odor.
  • Sanitize blankets, mats, coats and all items that have been in contact with the Pet.
  • Specific for professionals in the Pet sector and alla companies that are in contact with animals and whomever needs to wash hairy clothes.
  • Leaves the bedding machine hygienically clean.
  • Leaves no chemical residue and contains zero chlorine bleach.



  1. Just pour an about 80 grams dose of Puff Pet Hair Dissolver in your washing machine dispenser drawer with your Pet’s towel, blankets and/or your Pet bedding, taking care not to overload the machine with too much bedding at one time as there needs to be room for the Dissolver to work.
  2. Add also your usual detergent with the same dose you normally use, plus fabric softener if you wish to maintain softness.
  3. To obtain a good resultm, use the same washing cycl used for fabrics that have been in contact with Pets.
  4. The first time, is recommended to use double dose of product in case of many hair stuck or when washing larger sheets.
  5. The items that can be washed are the Pet blankets, all bedding that are in contact with Pets and machine washable Pet beds.
  6. It can also be used for human bedding as long as it is 100% cotton or white color while  we do not recommend washing bedding made from wool, silk or leather at high temperature.
  7. It is also supplied for professional use, in 4 kg buckets for Pet grooming shops and other shops that have the problem of washing many items with hair.


It is suggested to wash Pet’s linen regularly every 1/2 weeks, to prevent and dissolve germs, eggs, larvae, fecal matter and any other harmful agent that may accumulate.

The linen will therefore remain clean, perfumed and hygienic and the whole family also be protected from germs related to Pets.

“Puff Pet Hair Dissolver”  uses an effective active to break the keratin of the hair, dissolving them and taking them away.